Thursday, 27 June 2013

Discovery of the week: Mosquitos

This week has been the hottest by far. The heat in Daegu is starting to reveal itself. Long gone is the dry sunshine that I as a Brit associate with the 3 days of summer we get in the UK. In its place we have been treated to the hot, humid, wet Daegu that Ive read so much about.
This isnt the end of the world as Daegu has fans and AC units everywhere but its definitely a learning curve. I still prefer it to the cold but Im interested to see what Monsoon season will be like. I might have to invest in some summer wellies.

However with the damp heat there comes one annoying menace. Bugs!
I lived in Saudi Arabia for a little while as a child and I have experienced mosquitoes but nothing like this. No matter what repellent I apply they still feast on me.
I have extremely sensitive skin, you tickle me and you will get a boot in the face (involuntary of course) so when I get bitten it is unbearable for about two weeks. I still have bite marks right now from a month and a half ago. The other interesting aspect of these bugs is they choose odd places to bit you. The knuckles, toe and eye lid have been the interesting additions this week.
At the moment I am in a battle with myself. I have no air con in the bedroom and one window. Unfortunately this one window is the only window without a mosquito net. Every night I am forced to decided on cool air so I can sleep but bite ridden limbs or one or two bites but unbearable heat. Its still not a awful problem to have. Its still better than the problems I faced in Britain so I shouldnt moan but I have declared war on these insects and by Jove, I will win!

Sunday, 23 June 2013


Busan held a special place in my heart before I even arrived. It was the original location I wanted to live and the place that convinced me to move here. I had a friend that lived here who loved it and I also read a lot about this beautiful city online in many peoples blogs.

In the end I decided on Daegu as I was much more likely to get a placement here and Im not sad I did but the excitement to finally see a city Ive read so much about excited me.
A few lucky people had been given the Friday after the national holiday off (Mine was for the schools birthday) so we set off for a long weekend in the sun.
The train took only 45 minutes and was extremely comftable. I slept the whole way and cant believe it when we arrived.
We headed to our hotels and settled in. The place we were staying was Seomyeon which is a major station located on two lines.
The place was electric, almost literally with the amount of neon signs around the place.
Every corner held something new to look at and even more importantly something yummy to eat.
We dumped our stuff and headed to meet the rest of the group in Haeundae which is an infamous beach here. The sand festival that was happening that weekend was in full swing (although Im not too sure about the quality of some creations)
We jumped on a bus and hit the road to a nearby sea temple. IT was stunning. The juxtaposition between angry sea and serene temple was heavenly. Even with tourists milling everywhere it was easy to get lost in the atmosphere. Nini (a friend traveling with me) even went down into the caves and tried some of the Budda spring water. IT was a bizarre experience but one I loved. I have heard people claim that seen one temple, seen them all and I couldnt disagree more. Temples always hold such interest to me. History and wishes all wrapped up in one beautiful space.

Next on the list was a spa day. I have wanted to Jimjimbang it since I read about the surreal experience in the uk. I was not disappointed. Once I got over the fact Id be naked around a lot of intrigued Korean people it was amazing. The spa itself was located in the biggest department store in the world and housed a 3 floor heaven.
Nini and I took full advantage (only having to leave a few rooms to laugh at the crazy notions i.e the electro impulse room.) and after what felt like 20 mins, which actually turned out to be 4 hours we were refreshed, revitalized and ready to sleep.

The next day we hit the shops. Busan is famous for its shops and its not hard to see why. Each tiny side street is packed full of discounted gems. It did take us far too long to track the bargain area down so we did waste a lot of time in designer-ville but once we had recharged our shopping batteries with some cupcakes we were on our way to a bargain.

Of course we left the boys in the pub while we shopped so they were pretty content 3 hours later when we went to retrieve them. We also had to catch up (and believe me these cocktails helped us catch up) so ordered some of the strongest magaritas and gin and tonics Ive ever had. Delicious.

That night we were being joined by another friend from Daegu so we hit the local korean BBQ (definitely one of my favourite foods in Korea) and soju-ed ourselves full.
The night after that became a blur of seven11 drinks, Korean conga lines, lots of singing and dancing in a bar that seemed to be more of a sit down affair. All in all it was a fantastic night. I laughed till I cried and then laughed some more.
We also discovered our friends flair for calligraphy. This is her signature

And spent a good few hours having heart to hearts/beer on the beach.
The next day, surprisingly fine and dandy we hit the beach for an air show and a very busy Busan. People lined the streets and filled every nook and cranie. It was actually more entertaining to watch them than the air show.

We cut our loses and convinced the boys that another day at the spa was exactly what we needed (it definitely was what we needed) so 4 hours later the group left the spa detoxed and converted to the Jimjimbangeven if the boys did see a lot of Korean in there.
The night from there took a turn for the worse and by this I mean, tequila.
Games were played, drinks were drunk and a hang over was definitely had (which Im sure started before wed got home).
Our last day in Busan consisted of a lot of people shhhh-ing each other and avoiding bright light but it was worth it. Busan was all I hoped and Im already lining up another visit next month.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

4 months today.


Today Its been 4 months since I got off a plane and arrived in Korea. Woohoo

It's been a fantastic time so far and I would recommend this experience to anyone!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Korean Care Package

I recently sent a care package home to my family. Its normally the other way around but there was so much amazing stuff out here in Korea that I wanted to share a little bit of here with them.
I stated buying things for them the second I got to Seoul airport. There was so many weird and wonderful things that I couldnt wait to send some their way.
The only problem was there were too many things. Every day Id find new bizarre items that they just had to see. So I gave my self a cut off which was May. I thought by then Id have got together a good stash (and hopefully worked out the mail system here)

The box itself to send the things home was only 700w which is 70cents or 50p which is a bargain. The postage was 30 pounds but its what I expected and I was extremely happy when they received it only 6 days later. Go Korean mail!!!

Inside the box I put an array of items to some up Korea. From t-shirts and socks to face masks and the obligatory foot shampoo (?) My sister loves super heroes so I was really happy to find some Hangul iron on patches. There was also a special treat for my brother (who lives in Edinburgh) some Ramyeon noodles with added MSGmmmm yummy.
My sister made my day by taking some pictures. I stupidly forgot to before I sent it so I can show you a little of what I sent. She seems to have actually given my mum the stuff that was for her so well done little sister. I would have hogged it allespecially the sweet treats. The best thing I found for my mum was a pink carnation badge. Here in Korea itss given for parents day but its also my mums favourite flower so I was extremely excited to send it her way.

Its really weird knowing that something I prepared and looked after here is now there. It was just here and now there! This is an obvious fact since I sent it but it makes me feel so close to home. The only problem was that the second they got it all I wanted to do was chat to them J Ive also quilted my mum into sending me some things. Just a dress or two and some home treats. Im mainly looking forward to magazines and 100% deet mosquito spray. It will be a god send.

I am worried though as I know how excited I will be if a box arrives at school. I dont know how Ill stop myself from opening it but I want to savor it. Also I dont want the kids stealing the goodies inside.
Theres something so special about receiving mail, especially in a world with nothing but technology. I cant wait and Im so glad they my package arrived safe and sound.

Some Korean health and saftey noticed by my sister.