Thursday 13 February 2014

Say it with a Montage

Goodbye Lovely People from Tania Vincent on Vimeo.

It’s been a year since we arrived in this crazy country. There was times when I couldn’t believe I didn’t jump on a plane home but the over riding feeling has been of joy and sheer unbelievable happiness at the different experiences I’ve been part of.
We have decided to stay another twelve months and are getting ready for the next school year as well as moving into a new apartment but our friends are all packing up and getting ready to move onto different adventures.
We knew this situation was coming and we watched others experience it 6 months ago but nothing can really prepare you to say goodbye to your family because that’s what they are. In this kind of environment where you really are alone in a country, your friends become your home. I don’t think I’ve gone one week without seeing at least one of them and I know for a fact I haven’t gone a day without talking to them (The proof of this is the thousands of messages on our phone app Kakao)
A big part of me is excited to see them go. Each person is heading off to a new adventure that will bring with it exciting opportunities but I can’t help but be deeply sad at the prospect of them not being here.
I have avoided the inevitable sadness for now by busying myself with plans such as going to Seoul with them, planning dinners and forcing them to dance with me in random places but I wanted to give them all something to show them how much this year has meant to me and so I made this little video.

It’s not much and it’s not even a fraction of the fun we had but I hope they like and watch it during those first scary steps on their new adventures. I never thought I’d find people like this on my way through Asia so I’m excited to see what other un-expected surprises lie ahead.
Luckily I have a few people left behind and they are all lovely so we will be clinging onto each other for dear life until life relaxes back into normality.

To everyone off on their new paths, whether its Cambodia with a new love, Indonesia for Yoga and sunsets, Home to start businesses, South Africa to see family or Budapest with their little lady…. I already miss you and things will never be the same but from here we will always have memories and future plans.
I will see you all soon xxxx

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