Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Discovery of the week: Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions are something I read about before I came to Korea. I have always been intrigued by them but also they are a bit scary. I assumed that the second they were glued to me i'd look like a crazy drag queen which wouldn't be a bad thing if I wasn't a teacher to teenager boys.
So since I had a big event to go to and didn't want to look a state  I decided to take the plunge.
All I knew about eyelash extensions was they were invented in Korea so I started researching to find out a little more. Here are some of the questions I wanted to find the answers to and maybe they can help you guys too:

. How long do they last?
I always assumed they would last about a week. After some research I discovered they can last up to 90 days but the average you can hope for before they start to look un-even is about a month.

.How do they apply them?
This process was particularly important to me since I knew that it would be a non-English speaking person applying them. I was asked to lie on the bed and the lady put tape under my eyes and on top of my eyelids. She also put tape on my eyebrows to stop glue getting on them.
It is odd to be forced to keep your eyes closed but as long as you relax it is fine. It is not even slightly painful and it didn't seem like a long time, even if it was 45 minutes. The oddest part of the process was when she put a ball of cotton up one of my nostrils. This, i'm guessing , is to stop you smelling the glue but it felt odd since I had my eyes closed and couldn't ask her in English why she'd done it.

.How long does it take?
As mentioned above , it took about 45 minutes but can be up to an hour. Next time I get it done, as long as I go before they all fall out, it should only be about 35 minutes.

.What do you ask for?
So this is the complicated bit. There are a few different types of lashes you can have.
The main difference is material and length.
Acrylic - which is the most common. It is the ones I have and they feel plastic but look great.

Mink - The softest and most expensive type.Weirdly you still have to add mascara and curl them.

A lot of stores will only specialise in one or two materials so if you do have specific ones you want ask first.

The two important decisions are the curl:
J-curl or C-curl.

J-curl is a straight lash that you curl yourself. It looks more natural as it grows out but takes a little bit of work and is very subtle. It is the most common for Asian people.

C-curl is a pre-curled lash and the one I went with. It  requires no work but I have heard that the curl can be quite extreme as your own lashes start to grow. I think next time I would go for the C-curl but a bit shorter so it seems a little more natural.

I went for 11mm but the lady was desperate to give me 12mm. A mm difference doesn't sound like a lot but it makes a huge difference when it comes to something as small as your lashes. Next time I will definitely be going for a shorter length but i'm still glad I went for the 11mm C-curl. I read on 'Eat Your Kimchi' another fantastic blog about Korea that its better to go big so you have something to compare and I definitely agree.

I was told once to always wear extra eye make up if you wear glasses. This is very true and also apply's for your lashes. Like I mentioned before, the 11mm C-curls are quite big but behind my glasses they are much less noticeable.If you don't wear glasses then maybe a j-curl would be a better fit.

Don't get them wet for a few hours after application. They will come un-stuck if you do.

Don't get oil on them. If you use make up wipes just be careful around them. You won't need eyeliner or mascara with them so it shouldn't be such a problem.

Since having them I have actually stopped wearing make-up all together. They eyes make up for everything else i'm not wearing. I put lipstick on if I go out but its a relief to not have to worry so much. I should make more of an effort but with the lashes i'm becoming really lazy.

How much do they cost?
I paid 40,000 won which is about 20 pound and it is really great value.

I am a complete convert and I think while i'm in Korea I will treat myself to it anytime I have an event coming up.
I just walked into a place that had eyelash before and after pictures on the outside and she layed me down straight away without questioning. Because it is a long process if might be good to book but I wasn't in a rush so I just chanced it.

It's a easy process with great results. Now I just have to see how they grow out.

Monday, 14 April 2014

A special day

15 years old
This week marks my favorite week of the year. It is Lee and I’s anniversary. 21 years ago this week I stumbled into my living room late after choir practice. I remember being scared to walk into the living room because I knew my mum’s new friend Alison had brought her son over.
I went into the living room, looked up and as cheesy as it sounds, I instantly fell in love. I was just a kid and it can only be seen as a crush but even after 21 years that initial feeling is what I feel today when I look at him. Love.
Lee was a year older than me and didn't even see girls as anything more than those weird people that wore bows at age 9 but when we both became teenagers we started to date. I remember the first date we had Lee came home and told me he loved me. I think we have both been head over heels from the start.
We dated from 15 till the end of university. As with all good love stories we have had our share of bumps in the road. A lot of family problems and jobs led us to head in different directions for a few years. He wanted me to follow my career dreams and I couldn't believe he wanted someone as big a fool as me. Its safe to say we were both nut bags. 
We both used the time to grow and see the world a bit more. We both got involved in our careers and met a lot of important people. I think that our years apart were sad in one way but I wouldn't change it. We needed those years. I used those years to realize I could be creative, I realise amazing people and friends exsisted and find out who I was. I don’t regret a second of our time apart because I wouldn't want to change the people I met in those years or the things we both were able to achieve.
Us in London aged 24/25
But both of us found our way back to each other and it feels like home.
We are finally traveling the world like we always talked about and loving every seconds of it.
We have been dating for 9 years and it’s cheesy to say but he is my best friend and the person I feel my happiest with. He teaches me things every day and lets me be myself, be silly and serious.
We have big plans for the future and I try to remind myself how lucky I am to have found my person. 

I can’t wait for another 21 years together. 
16/17 years old
Us in New York ,age 21/22
Us in Thailand, age 26/27
Us in Japan 26/27

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Shooting in Daegu

This weekend was one of my favourite weekends of the year. Lees birthday weekend. I love Lees birthday because he shares it with his brother. They are 5 years apart but born on the same day so growing up they have always shared their birthday. When he was younger this drove him mad but now I think he quite likes sharing it with him.
This weekend I wanted to do something really special, We had agreed to not buy each other material things anymore since our travels mean that packing light is a necessity. So I was left with either food or events.
I deiced that the best thing for this 29 year old to try was his hand at shooting.
Lee is a cowboy by nature. A lover of western films and from a RAF father so guns hold a weird appeal to him. He is the same as me in the way that we would never ever EVER want to shoot a living thing but in a range where everything is safe, it seems quite fun.

The day started off as a surprise. I emailed a huge group of people and everyone was raring to go, unfortunately the cat scrambled out of the bag and Lee found out the surprise but it was honestly a great thing because I think he was more excited knowing where we were going than if hed found out when we had turned up.

When we got there (Eventually since this place is in the middle of no where) we got our safety gear on and started our shooting. Everyone had different guns they enjoyed. Lee loved the old fashioned pistol shooing and I was smittened with the clay pigeon shooting but mainly because I managed to hit a few.

My challenge for the day turned out to be trying to get the perfect picture which eventually happened but I will disregard the 300 other I must have taken to get this one.(top of the page)

It was a fantastic day and considering everyone was hung-over and tired it was great.
That night we headed to the town to continue the birthday celebrations including a midnight rendition of Happy Birthday as well as 'Penblwydd hapus (happy birthday in Welsh) and also managed to tip a flaming shot all over ourselves. 3rd degree burns and birthdays seem to go hand in hand.
It was a fantastic night made all the better by the lovely people that made such a huge effort to make Lee feel special. I always love Lees birthday because I get to celebrate but I love seeing how much everyone cares about him and how much effort they show for this man.
So the boy is 29 and next week it will be 22 years since I met him. That poor boy at least got 7 years in before I started harassing him.
Happy birthday Lee Lee and happy shooting everyone. 

 If you want to go yourself....

How to get there:
There is a bus that goes here but it is very infrequent so the best way to travel here would be to get a taxi. If you get a taxi from Kyungpook National University Hospital station it will cost you 10,000 won. A taxi from downtown will cost close to 17,000 won.
If you do want to catch a bus it is:
Chilgok 2 (which travels to the range 8 times a day)

When you want to leave the facility the staff will be happy to call you a taxi.
The address: 169 Munju-ro(St), Buk-gu, Daegu, Korea (40, Geumho-dong)

The contact number: 82-53-312-0000

The website: http: //