Monday 30 September 2013

Scavenger Hunting in Daegu

This weekend I was lucky enough to join an event in Daegu held by the Daegu Compass (Daegu magazine).
We formed a team of 4 girlies and got ready for a day of scavenger hunt.
We needed a team name and like any normal people we called ourselves 'The Kitticorns'. This is a combination of both 'Kitties' and 'Unicorns' of course.
The hunt was fantastic fun. We danced in the streets, ran after Koreans and found many ways to amuse ourselves.
Here is a selection of photos taken by the lovely Theresa.

We didn't win but it was fun and i'd definitley do it again.

After our day of photos we went to a local jazz bar where we finally saw some live music and ate some free popcorn.
After some shopping we ended up in a old vintage book store that also serves delicious food. They even had Poutine on the menu for all you Canadians out there. I even had real chips.
It was a great day with some lovely people. I just need another weekend to recover.

All photos from the lovely Theresa who has a fantastic blog you can see here

Team Kitticorn

Pose by the sign

Sing your national anthem

Find your home flag

Hug a stranger

Find the event organisers

Pick your nose

Find a westerner with Stubble

Do a love shot with a stranger

Convince a delivery driver to let you go on his bike

go on the bike

Find the lotte cinema

Play the Korean fighting game

Pose like a model with strangers

Do Taekwondo with strangers

Wear a traffic wardens hat

Find a Korean with stubble

Get in a phone box

Find a lookie-likie

Find someone with Gingseng and take a silly photo

Get your team in the square with one more person (we did two)

Make a team banner

Make vietnamese rolls

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