Wednesday 20 March 2013

Discovery of the week: Heated toilet seats

Discovery of the week: Heated toilet seats

There isnt many things in Korea that show you how quickly the economy has expanded as their toilets.
Korea seems to have the two extremes. Fancy Samsung heated toilets with all the bells and whistles and then its ugly cousin, the squatter.
These two pieces of equipment are so far from each other in technology and looks that it is weird to see them in the same room.
The first time I found the elusive heated seats was during a snowy day at orientation. The toilets in the dorms were your average British/American throne but inside the lecture halls.oh my goodness.heated seats. I cannot tell you how heavenly they are.
I have never had the cahoonies to press any of the thousands of buttons that accompany it, but I hear they are fun.

As each person in orientation discovered this new sensation it was decided they were a fabulous invention. It was also decided that none of us had ever met so many new people and discussed toilets with them so soon after finding out their name.

As for the squatters, well it does as it says on the tin. You will have to use one at some point if you live in Korea, I can guarantee that. (Especially if you want to go for a drink off campus at orientationwhich you will).
Both toilets are one of those experiences you wont forget but not necessarily both for the same reasons.

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