Tuesday 14 May 2013

Teachers Day

Every day here in Korea I am faced with an alien concept. Its started to become one of the favorite parts of my day. With each week, month and season I am presented with new and bizarre ways for this place to surprise me.
Todays anomaly was teachers day.
Here in Korea the month of May is known as the family month. You have childrens day that gives parents the day off to spend with their children (a fantastic idea as it seems most kids got Lego and any excuse to play with Lego should be made a national holiday), Parents day which is instead of Mother and Fathers day like we have in the UK and of course today which is teachers day.
On arriving at school I was promptly informed that all classes were cancelled!


Then we were rushed to the Auditorium where all the Students sung for us, clapped us and presented up with a hand made carnation. This is the Thank You flower here in Korea. It is traditionally red but has evolved to also be pink. I was presented with a lovely pink one which was extra special since it is my Mums favorite flower and has always been mocked by my siblings as the 80s flower.
I loved it. The kids were happy and the teachers felt appreciated.

Im writing this mid way through the day but the rest of the day is meant to be badminton for the female students and teachers and football for the men and boys.
Then a giant school match of kick ball. I have been informed I am to compete in the kickball but since Ive never seen the game beyond the Disney cartoon Recess let alone played it I dont hold out high hopes.

Currently the Students are writing letters to their teachers. I am not expecting any since a smart child would write a letter to their home room teacher who controls lunch, home time and the candy but we will see.

My memory of being a middle schooler (or comprehensive for the British among you!)  was that we hated teachers. They were all weird old and smelled of coffee so its quite ironic that we are forcing this cheeky lot to celebrate us. I am proud to say that I am one of those angry, bedraggled, coffee smelling teachers now and its a challenge every single day but fast becoming a real joy.
These kids are the devils but .they are my devils.

P.s CAKE AND MILK has just arrived to celebrate and Ive been informed our usual 600 calorie lunch (they are very calorie aware here) is 918 today! What delights await us?!

I was also given this lovely white board from the teachers in the afternoon to say thank you for my hard work :D

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